Plan Your Visit

Come visit a place designed for someone like you.

There’s a balance of structure and chaos that occurs naturally in every creative space. Here at CCAD, we’ve designed our campus to ensure that you thrive in it.

You’ll see it during your visit. And you’ll experience it as a student. The artistic messiness that we can’t plan. It’s reflected in your hundreds of drafts, your dried-out paint tubes, and your missed stitches that lead to masterpieces. It’s your models, prototypes, and floor plans that lead to innovation. Your creative instincts lead you to experiment. You need a creative playground.

You think visually — so see for yourself what's happening at CCAD. Have a one-on-one conversation with our admissions team. Bring your portfolio, see our studio spaces, sit in on some classes, meet current students, and please, ask us all your questions.

Campus Visit Options

We offer a variety of ways to experience our vibrant downtown Columbus campus.


Take a virtual stroll through campus to see what's in store for your in-person visit!

I feel like I’ve found a home, despite being from across the country. CCAD’s small size has exposed me to each major on campus and leads to many new friendships, professional connections, and learning opportunities.

Steele Clevenger ’25
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