Art Class Policies & FAQ

We’re excited that you or your young artist is interested in taking a class with us! Here’s what you need to know before you enroll in youth or adult art classes, including refund policies and top questions.
Art Class Refund Policy
For youth and community learning classes, refund are granted according to the following policy:
I understand that I may request to withdraw from a course up to two weeks prior to the start of a class by emailing [email protected] for a refund of 100% minus a $25 administrative fee per course. There are no refunds thereafter.
Nonattendance does not constitute a withdrawal.
Class Cancellation
Please note that classes may be canceled due to low enrollment. Registrants with canceled sections will be offered an alternative class section for their young artist, or a full refund for their class registration. Our staff will contact registrants no later than five days before the start of the scheduled session.
General FAQ
General information applicable to all youth and adult classes.
Saturday Art Classes run concurrently with college semesters, with one 10-week session in the fall and spring of each academic year.
Each Saturday Art Class session will focus on the same subject for the duration of your registration.
For Saturday Art Classes, registration:
opens about six weeks prior to the session start date
closes two weeks before the start of each session
Ex: For a program starting February 27, registration opens January 13 and closes February 13.
Refer to the schedule for a list of upcoming programs.
Students will often have the opportunity to take work home with them, either physically or by uploading their digital work to a USB drive or digital storage drive. All final projects can be gathered after they visit the Saturday Art Class Exhibition.
We are pleased to offer a limited amount of need-based scholarships for emerging artists and designers.
No. Due to the logistics of staffing, supply ordering, and organizing class rosters, we are unable to accept new registrants past a program’s enrollment deadline.
Programs within Youth & Community Learning at CCAD are enrichment-oriented classes designed to build skills and confidence in a supportive environment.
We do not offer certificates of completion for any Youth & Community Learning Programs. If you would like a letter of recommendation after completing a course, please contact your instructor.
The tuition fees for all Youth & Community Learning programs are inclusive of material fees. You do not need to bring any additional materials to class, unless you have your own supplies you would prefer to work with.
We’ll reach out with a welcome email and classroom roster within two weeks of classes starting. Your instructor will follow up shortly thereafter with a personal welcome email and a syllabus.
You will receive an email within two weeks of the start of the program with a campus map, your classroom location and, if applicable, pickup and dropoff instructions.
Youth Art Class FAQ
Information specific youth classes and young artists.
The grade recommendations listed with each course are included to help enrollees make the best decisions regarding the needs of their young artists and are not mandatory.
Please note that we do not allow students younger than 10 in our digital classrooms.
Our classes are designed to accommodate learners of all skill levels and prior experience. If you or your young artist would like increased rigor and independence while utilizing our professional studio spaces, please discuss these needs with your instructor.
We are pleased to offer a limited amount of need-based scholarships for emerging artists and designers.
You will be notified of your scholarship status at least one week before the start of the program session.
Each scholarship offer is contingent upon the class and program specified in your award email. Scholarships cannot be applied to other classes and sessions outside the specified program detailed in your scholarship offer.
We have two options for scholarship applicants looking for a seat in our programs.
You can either register and pay for the class, and you will be offered a refund if awarded a scholarship, or you can enter a wait list for the class you are interested in.
However, if that class fills, your scholarship amount will be applied to a class with seats available.
Adult Art Class FAQ
Information specific adult classes.
Alumni and Veterans both receive a 10% discount and the codes can be obtained by contacting our department directly at [email protected].
Explore Upcoming Classes
Digital photography. Foundations of Painting. Sewing and Mending. These are just some of the many options for creative exploration at CCAD.