Sophia Kartsonis, PhD teaches Writing Poetry, Writing Fiction, 20th Century Literature, and Advanced Creative Writing in the Writing, Literature & Philosophy department. She is also the faculty advisor for Botticelli magazine, CCAD’s literary and art journal. Dr. Kartsonis has authored three chapbooks: EMUseum (Dancing Girl Press, 2010), Aloha Vaudeville Doll (Dancing Girl Press 2014); and, with Cynthia Arrieu-King, the Dream Horse Poetry Prize-winning By Some Miracle, a Year Lousy with Meteors (Dream Horse Press, 2012). Additionally, Dr. Kartsonis has published two full-length collections of poetry: Intaglio (Kent State University Press, 2006), winner of The Wick Poetry Prize, and The Rub (Elixir Press, 2014), winner of the Elixir Prize. Her short story, Sundress, published in Glimmer Train, was selected by author Stephen King as a Distinguished Story in the 2006 Best American Stories Anthology.
Dr. Kartsonis earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Utah, a Master of Fine Arts from University of Alabama, and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Cincinnati. She joined CCAD in 2009 and received the CCAD Teaching Excellence Award in 2012.