Campus Img

Fine Arts 2025 Thesis Exhibition

Artist Bio
This is a biography of the artist covering career highlights, education, and a summary of their work to the present day." aria-disabled="true" role="textbox">Jessica Loper is an artist and student at Columbus College of Art & Design. She is graduating in spring 2025 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with dual concentrations in sculpture and jewelry. Labor and craft are important to her practice as well as the connection between the natural and economic, aesthetic and utilitarian, internal and social worlds. She aspires to pursue metalsmithing and curatorial practices in graduate school but wants to see the redwoods first. She has been an intern with No Place Gallery since 2023.

Artist Statement
This body of work reflects upon the impact of colonial industrialization on the shared social experience of the Midwest, with particular ruminations on the horizon line. A sense of place is translated through sculpture with reference to architecture and agriculture, both of which inform so much of our perspective through quiet daily communion. These systems remain tied to post-war ideology in practice, and contemporary culture is romanticizing the era yet again. Attention is given to how we are subconsciously led through space, what we consider consumable, how the starved eye wanders. What would we trade to set foot on the moon?

Acock Gallery
The gallery is located on the second floor of the Joseph V. Canzani Building.

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