Product Design

Make designs that improve lives.

Learn to identify problems—and create solutions—in our Product Design program. You’ll work closely with your classmates, faculty, and clients like Honda and Nationwide on projects that improve lives. Our designers are inventors, innovators, and game changers who are all about tackling complex challenges and making the world a better place. We help nonprofits design new goods for kids and adults in need, and we re-imagine and improve the design of all sorts of products, from shoes to boats, scooters to water bottles, and so many others.

You’ll graduate with a perspective and understanding that’s in-demand across industries, from helping companies understand their future customers to bringing new ideas to life in consumer electronics, medical devices, retail and trade displays, sporting goods, soft goods, and footwear.

Course Spotlight


Gain real-world experience in shoe design and construction as you work with professionals from Ohio-based Rocky Boots to develop high-end boots/shoes in one of its brand lines. At the end of the course, you’ll see your vision made real as Rocky Boots manufactures your chosen design just for you!

Product Design First Year Experience

Academic Year

Fall 2023 - Spring 2024

Freshman Year - Fall

Course Title
2D Creative Practices
Systems of Drawing
Art History
Writing & the Arts

Freshman Year - Spring

Course Title
Intro to Design
What Can a Drawing Do
3D Making with Care
History of Design & Applied Arts
Math Quantitative Literacy

Product Design News

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Experiential learning in the classroom, support developing professional skills, and a strong CCAD alumni network helped this Product Design student land a full-time industry position well before graduation.

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Congratulations to Sugandh Agrawal (Industrial Design, 2005), winner of the Best Retail Handbag Award at the 2018 Independent Handbag Designer Awards. The award, presented by Macy’s, recognized a handbag “designed with the Macy’s customer in mind” and included 1,500 entries from around the world.

Request Information

Your college education is a major investment in you—your work, your passions, and your vision for the future.