Be The Best You Can Be Doing The Thing You Love

20240828 Welcome Week Field Day9
Chroma Photos
Chroma Photos 2
Chroma Photos 240514 06
Chroma Beeler 2024 4
Senior Portraits Fine Arts
CCAD 20240424 Majors SL Headshots 119
UFSF Fashion Photos 231214 40
Chroma Photos QUAD

We are the beautiful center of creativity in Columbus, Ohio, and beyond—where many talents and inspirations fuse together to create something new. At CCAD you'll find a community of others like you. We inspire, support, and challenge one another to be the best artists and humans we can be. Welcome home.

You are Welcome Here

You Belong

Where your work

Takes You


What could you do in only four weeks’ time? If you’re a Columbus College of Art & Design student, you might just use that time to create—from scratch—an internationally award-winning game with a powerful social message.

Vince Notaroberto

Vince Notaroberto (Advertising & Graphic Design, 1971) came to CCAD to find community with people like himself—those unseen. At CCAD, he built a chosen family. After a thrilling career, he’s making a gift to ensure generations of students have the same opportunities.